This is huge.
I was reading one of my favorite blogs, Go Fug Yourself, and I stumbled upon this amazing, almost too-good-to-be-true tidbit of information:
Bret Easton Ellis, author of the totally insane and fantastic novels American Psycho and Rules of Attraction, is taking a stab at young adult fiction and revising the beloved and, until now, totally boring series Babysitter’s Club. I was hooked immediately, and I can’t wait for more.
The link.
And an excerpt:
“And yeah, it really bums me out to watch Claudia just snort up half those Pixie Stixs when she is so blatantly trying to get attention to her sugar problem, but every time we try to talk to her about it she says she needs it to focus on her art and that her super-strict Asian parents are coming down on her ass again so what’s the point, really?”
I am beside myself with excitement and anticipation.

...or IS it??