Baxter Bark Twice

Do as I say, never as I do

Posts Tagged ‘Tina’

How to be cool and tough

Posted by AllieB on July 14, 2011

How to be cool and tough: written by some d-nozzle frat guy and shared with you here, on BBT.

One hopes this is a big joke and that this person is just making fun of himself…but it’s a little too long and involved – if it’s just some frat dog making fun I’m pretty sure his ADHD would’ve kicked in around #4, “The Cool and Tough Automobile,” and he’d of thrown in the towel. He tries to play it off at the end, but by then it’s too late – I’m pretty positive this person is 100% GEN-U-INE serious. I can’t even decide which parts to share – the whole thing makes me wish I was illiterate.

Ya know what, actually, he’s absolutely right. This last paragraph is totally legit and he makes many valid points. I wonder if I can track this stud down? He sounds dreamy.

It is important to note here that not everyone is cut out to be cool and tough. Although, many of these skills can be learned, truly being cool and tough requires a certain degree of natural talent that not everyone is born with. One of the best ways to become cool and tough is to hone your skills by surrounding yourself with other cool and tough people. Be these people. It is certainly neither cool nor tough to be an individual. Constantly strive for the same level of mediocrity of all those around you. However, it is important to remember that though these people may also be cool and tough, they will never be as cool and tough as you are. Some of the people in your fraternity may be cool and tough, but many of them aren’t. So don’t hang out with them. It is also important to remember that being cool does not necessarily make one tough, nor does being tough automatically make one cool. You should strive to find the proper balance between the two and become simply known as a Cool and Tough person.

I just died a little. Here’s the whole article – I think you’ve been fairly warned. (Credit: Leila. You would.)

On a very different note, I would like to give a little shout-out to the Atlanta Police Department. Yesterday I got gas, and when I went to put back on the gas cap I found that it was no longer there. Confused, I got down and started looking under my car, etc., as I knew it had been there minutes prior. However, as I was at the most MANIC PLACE ON THE PLANET, the QT on Sidney Marcus, my non-gas getting activity began to incur cars honking and just general unrest. Stupidly, I was like, oh well, and got in my car and drove away. As I pulled out, I goog’ed “is it safe to drive without a gas cap,” and was a half-mile up the road, reading about how I was about to spontaneously combust, when I saw the blue lights. For the record: cops terrify me. Even if I’ve been doing nothing wrong (and in this case I have a brake light out and probably have like unpaid  tickets and bench warrants), I hate those blue lights…anyway, they pulled up next to me, rolled down their window, held up my gas cap and were like, “Did you seriously look on the ground for five seconds, give up, and drive away.” I replied, shakily and red-faced, that I had. The two guys shook their heads in unison, rolled their eyes, and handed over the cap. Thanks for caring, APD. The end.

TINA!!! I will see you tonight and hopefully also see many of these faces. Your face – it’s as though it’s made of clay.

Posted in Imparting Wisdom, Really? | Tagged: , , , , | 3 Comments »

Our country tis of dunce

Posted by AllieB on July 7, 2011

America is 100% the best country in which to live. Watching the fireworks on Monday night, I couldn’t help but be filled with pride, patriotism, and pure love for all things USA. When the crowd around us started cheering during the cacophonous finale, I felt my eyes start to well up a little….God Bless America. In that same vein, America’s Team is dominating – GO BRAVES! (The Braves will always be America’s Team in my book…)

That said, we have our failures. I get that Casey Anthony can’t serve life in jail just because it’s obvious that she’s a murderous Tot Mom – there has to be evidence and blah blah and whatever, you can’t go around putting people in jail based on common sense, but I don’t have to like it.

BBT’s favorite author, Bill Bryson, has detailed a dissimilar yet nevertheless alarming compilation of ways in which America fails – specifically, the failures of its citizens. I share with you below excerpts of an article entitled, “Well, Doctor, I was just trying to lie down…” that I finally found in full text on the internet. (I’ve been goog’ing the damn thing for over a year, and I finally got my search query right because I FOUND IT. It was the best day…)

Here’s a fact for you: According to the latest Statistical Abstract of the United States, every year more than 400,000 Americans suffer injuries involving beds, mattresses, or pillows. Think about that for a minute. That is almost 2,000 bed, mattress, or pillow injuries a day. In the time it takes you to read this article, fourof my fellow citizens will somehow manage to be wounded by their bedding.
Consider this intriguing fact: Almost 50,000 people in the United States are injured each year by pencils, pens, and other desk accessories. How do they do it? I have spent many long hours seated at desks where I would have greeted almost any kind of injury as a welcome diversion, but never once have I come close to achieving actual bodily harm.
So I ask again: How do they do it?… In 1992 (the latest year for which figures are available) more than 400,000 people in the United States were injured by chairs, sofas, and sofa beds. What are we to make of this?… Have we become exceptionally careless sitters? What is certain is that the problem is worsening. The number of chair, sofa, and sofa bed injuries showed an increase of 30,000 over the previous year, which is quite a worrying trend even for those of us who are frankly fearless with regard to soft furnishings. (That may, of course, be the nub of the problem-overconfidence.)

I will never find that not funny…Clearly I’m still on vacation, but I wanted to keep up the momentum.

Two VERY important pieces of information re: BBT’s peeps:

1. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MCL!!! I can’t wait to see you in tha A in a couple of weeks. I am tempted to put up the photo of you straggling up the beach in 2k5, but I’m not that mean…nor will I link to your ramen recipe. Instead I’ll just give you an awkward hug via the interweb, and an even more awkward one in person.

2. TINA IS ENGAGED!!!! Oh, happy day. This is my new favorite photo ever, in the history of all photos. LURVE.



Posted in Arbitrary | Tagged: , , , , , , | 2 Comments »