Baxter Bark Twice

Do as I say, never as I do

Posts Tagged ‘PIPPA’

Mediocre at Best

Posted by AllieB on January 6, 2012

I’m not really one for late night talk shows, but the other night I watched The Best of Conan – that wasn’t what it was called, but that’s what it was – and it was hilarious. I even made notes in my archaic smartphone device about the particularly funny segments so I could share on BBT. The first is a commercial for the world’s most expensive toilet. I guess you don’t technically need sound, but I just watched without it and it was much less funny…retract: you do need sound.

The other note I made to myself was “Newt owes Tiffany money” and I have no idea what I was talking about, so I guess that’s it.

Yesterday was a fun day on BBT. I think I’ll do more flow charts in the future – I’ve just barely dipped my toe in the wonder that is Power Point, and I think I like it.

The Duchess Catherine of York – Princess Kate – turns 30 on Monday!! It was this time last year that my obsession fondness for her was just heating up…I wish she could get married every year. According to NYMag, her birthday party is going to be 80’s themed!! I’m a bit confused as to why that long-torsoed Pippa left me off the guest list…wtf, Pippa? I really took the whole Kate thing to a new level on BBT…it even has its own category…looking back, I’m thinking that the “single white female” comments were not so much jokes as expressions of concern. If you’d like to take a trip down memory lane, I suggest “Hair Emergency” – not only do I discuss the gloriousness of Kate’s (and my own) hair, but I also rain some truth on J Simps and Taylor Swizzle. Good times.

I think I need to expand my horizons….but not today. Happy weekend!!! Keep it classy like Liz Lemon.


Posted in Arbitrary, Princess Kate | Tagged: , , , | 1 Comment »

That’s that

Posted by AllieB on July 18, 2011

Suffice it to say, it was an emotional Sunday. I subjected myself to unnecessary grief by watching the series finale of Friday Night Lights and then sitting through the last installment of the Harry Potter films. I am reminded of Sping 2k4 – cut to: the night before my last exam when I was studying at a friend’s apartment, enduring the series finale of Friends, my favorite television program, alone. He walked in midway through to find me on the couch, my books spread around me, bawling freely….he quietly excused himself and retreated quickly back across the courtyard.

Look, sorry I’m not sorry I allow myself to be engaged by quality tv and cinema presentations.

Friday Night Lights has been sensational this entire last season. It’s already out on DVD, so I highly recommend queuing up your Netflix. AND both Coach Taylor and Tami Taylor were nominated for Emmy’s again, as was the program on a whole. Talk about deserving winners…Coach Taylor could tell me throw myself in front of a bus and I’d say, “can I throw myself in front of two?” I love that guy.

Harry Potter was a-MAH-zing. They jump right in where they left off with the first installment, and it’s a non-stop thrill ride til the very end. Actually, no, the very end is a little awkward, but up until there are 5 minutes left – heart-pounding thrill ride. Why do movie critics always say “thrill ride?” I have never used that phrase before, ever, and how strange that it’s used re: a decidedly stationary activity. Just saying. Also – I thoroughly enjoyed this “Best of” retrospective covering all of the Harry Potter movies on NYMag.

BBT HIGHLY recommends both. Doooo it.

Meet and greet: BP’s new PUPPY PIPPA!!!! Can you tell which one is Pippa the Pup, and which one is Pippa Middleton made entirely out of crumpets? (I know, so weird.)

I LOVE PIPPA THE PUP!!! (She’s on the left)

Here’s Tex’s Tacos schedule for the week.

Here’s your weekly horoscope.

Here’s how to VOTE FOR BBT!!!!!!!!!

Guess who turns ONE this Thursday…? Hint: it’s not a mammal; it’s a blog which you may or may not be reading at this very moment.

Posted in Arbitrary, Imparting Wisdom | Tagged: , , , , | 7 Comments »

Get up offa that thang

Posted by AllieB on June 15, 2011

Tis a very good feeling to surmount the hump that is Wednesday.

Pippa’s single!!! Incidentally, Harry and Chelsey are in the latter part of their constantly on-again-off-again relationship, so mayhaps the rumors of the sparks that flew between them at the wedding could come to fruition…that’d be really weird. Their children would all be identical. My head kind of hurts even thinking about that – it’s not incest, is it? It almost seems like it’d be wrong. Whatever. I said this a couple of weeks ago, but I’m still marvelling at the length of her torso; it is, like, really really long. This pic is from a 5k she ran recently – her time was 25 minutes 30 seconds. My 5k PR is 20 minutes 17 seconds…BOOM. I may or may not have been 14 at the time.

I enjoyed a delicious and free lunch at The Ivy today because I am a Black Card Member aka a V.I.P. I got a pizza. Their pizza is awesome, as is the new pimento cheese sampler/salad, the Club sandwich, and they just added a bunch of salads and stuff, too. You should try it out – if you go there enough, you might even be considered for Black Card Membership……

While I’m distributing accolades about town, I should mention CamiCakes. (Katie – there’s also one in Jax!) I got Jordan a bday cupcake yesterday – I went with the “Classic Cami” which is vanilla cake with a truly awesome strawberry icing – and it was delish. There was a minor snafu when the gentleman ran my card for $2,700 instead of $2.70, but I told him Wells Fargo would deny that charge like Dikembe would a dunk and not to worry about it. We had a good laugh over the Dikembe comparison – he even did the finger shake at me. Good times!

I finally made a new mix cd. I’ve been listening to Girl Talk since before their concert in January and it’s getting kind of manic. I have no idea what’s on my new mix because I cannot get past the first two songs, which are “Chances Are” (that guy is hottt!) and “A Little Bit Stronger” from the Country Strong soundtrack. I’m not one for country or for singing along, but I have been belting out these tunes nonstop. This may surprise people, but I do not have a particularly melodious singing voice…less canary, more adolescent boy with bad allergies. I highly recommend both, but you can skip the movie, IMO.

That’s all for today; I’m going to get my fitness on. Thanks,, for this motivating photo gallery – here’s a nice little preview for you, boys and girls:













Posted in Arbitrary, Food & Drink | Tagged: , , , , , , , , | 5 Comments »


Posted by AllieB on May 2, 2011

“My a** is perfection” – Samantha Jones, SATC

Incidentally, so is Pippa Middleton’s. At least according to this Facebook page that has garnered over 150,000 “likes” since creation on Friday. Put that in your pocket for a rainy day, Pippa – that ain’t bad.

I do feel like I dropped the ball on my wedding coverage with the major gaffe of heralding Chelsey Davy’s appearance – she looked like a sloppy hot mess. Retract. I am DYING over Kate’s second dress – not because I like the angora balero, but because she looked stunning overall…Pippa continued her glam-a-thon with both her second dress (like, don’t love, but again – stunning) and her adorbs day after outfit. Kate’s an old married lady now, welcome to BBT’s new obsession: Pippa. Heck, the whole family has me wrapped around their finger.

From left (all from

  1. famous derriere
  2. second dress by Alice Temperley
  3. Saturday morning leaving The Goring – I need that blazer

OK, I think it’s time to move on…for today.

Cut to: Sweetwater Brewery, locale for my Ten Year High School Reunion. I was very startled to realize that Romy & Michelle’s High School Reunion was about their tenth hs reunion…startled, alarmed, angry, and unsettled. It made me feel the opposite of young – remember how OLD they always seemed!? Whatevs, it’s stupid to compare one’s own life with that of two fictional movie characters, ya know? Like, what good can come from that? Here is the sole photo from the Smilebooth photo booth-esque thing which I will share on BBT. Smilebooth + me = MORTAL ENEMIES.


Like I said, I hate Smilebooth.

Apropos of nothing, read this little article about how delightful Amy Poehler is – because she absolutely is, for many reasons, and not just because she laughed (in a non-malicious way) at Blake Lively.

She was on the scene when Patrick McMullan accidentally ripped the train of Blake Lively’s dress, gleefully crying out, “You ripped her dress! Patrick, you ripped her dress!” as if it were the greatest, most wonderful thing that had ever happened.

Also, Parks & Recreation is HILAR.

Posted in Arbitrary, Princess Kate | Tagged: , , , , , | 3 Comments »