Baxter Bark Twice

Do as I say, never as I do

Posts Tagged ‘my peeps’

I concur.

Posted by AllieB on October 22, 2010

Liz Lemon drops incredible truth bombs on a weekly basis.

As I mentioned recently, I love the horoscopes. The weekend forecast for Gemini is pretty lousy – something about hanging out with people who might not necessarily be “the cool kids” (total nonsense  – I don’t know anyone who’s not cool), but K’s was amazing and completely un-Cancer-esque, so I will share it. I think we all, regardless of astrological sign, should embrace this sage advice:

It’s time to bust out the sequins and sky-high Louboutins, and party like a rockstar once again….Raise the hemline on your costume, and drop the neckline…this is your socially-sanctioned opportunity to let your inner Snooki soar.

That’s right. Let your inner Snooki soar. I’ve got the other stuff  down pat – in fact, I recently acquired a very mini skirt (tights required) and sequined top that fit nicely within these parameters. I’m only missing the Louboutins…sigh. If I could have but one pair of shoes for the rest of my life, it would be these. TINA – still waiting on that million dollar idea.

Oh – and The Partner’s Card starts today!

Happy Weekend! XOXO – Allie Bark Twice Baxter

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Million Dollar Idea

Posted by AllieB on October 14, 2010

Tina Casper is forever coming up with the perfect million dollar idea so we can all quit our jobs. She’s had some good ones, but unfortunately they’re all extant – ie, the “mini peanut butter pack.” She was crestfallen when I told her that, starting back in sixth grade,  I used a mini peanut butter pack every day to make my pb&j, so…a million dollar idea it was not.

Anyway – one of my biggest pet peeves is the ever-increasing size of my gmail account. I’m up to 82% now and it’s giving me anxiety. I am wildly OCD about my gmail – people with 2,497 emails in their inbox (KENNEDY) make me insane. I can’t even think about it.

this is to show how organized I am without oversharing. mostly it's giving me a headache

I was reading thru my Google Reader last night, and I came upon this site: You link it up to your gmail, and it takes about 20 or so minutes – without slowing down your computer or kicking you out of gmail – to sort through all of your stuff, then creates three folders in your inbox: Big Mails, Really Big Mails, and Ultra Big Mails.

Voilà! Now I can easily decide what gets to stay and what gets the ax. I’ve been trying forever to figure out how to purge unnecessary emails without accidentally deleting something important. What the crap – why didn’t we think of this??

**I just deleted 10 or so of my Ultra Big Mails – all of which were lameass forwards from ’07 – and I’m down to 77%…!

***Nerd alert.

Posted in Imparting Wisdom | Tagged: , , , | 7 Comments »

The FOMO Affliction

Posted by AllieB on October 11, 2010

Once upon a time, nearly eons ago, I suffered from a very serious condition known as FOMO, or “fear of missing out.” I was crippled by the prospect of missing out on anything fun or noteworthy…or really anything at all.

I can see now how immature my fomophobia was. Also, there’s actually no such thing as fomophobia, so I was suffering from a plight that didn’t exist…when I realized that, I felt kind of ridiculous and knew it was time to make a change. Now that I am older, infinitely wiser, and possess all kinds of knowledge about many different things, I have the wherewithal to pump the brakes on my FOMO. Or at least kind of – I’ve certainly gotten a whole lot better.

In unrelated news, I had a really great weekend that included several of my favorite things:

  • The Whigs @ The 40 Watt
  • Last Resort
  • a W for Georgia
  • my first romper
  • Hilbilly Bel (decidedly NOT a favorite but any sighting of Hilary warrants mention)
  • mashing with Sister (she started it!)
  • the new XXL Chalupa from Taco Bell

I absolutely made the right call in going to Athens. Maybe I’m not really over my FOMO – perhaps it’s just that I always make the decision that is best for me, thus have no regrets…

That’s definitely it.


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Wishlist: Things I need

Posted by AllieB on October 7, 2010

Fall has arrived, and everyone is talking about various things they need. Sister needs velvet shorts. Allison needs a one-shoulder Alexander Wang dress that barely makes sense (but I adore it, too). Hilary needed fringe boots  (I need those as well, but in black). And I also think I might need a pair of sequined shorts.

So far, my one big purchase for the fall has been my new J Brand Lovestory jeans – and I know, they’ve been around forever, duh Allie, but these are awesomer than the average pair because they are a lightweight material thus more comfortable, and, IMO, more flattering. Seriously, go try some on – your caboose will have never looked better.

In addition to these obvious life necessities, I am in need of some other items as well:

  1. A waterproof cover for my smart phone device. I got a brand new cell piece back in August, and after only two days in my possession my omnipresent water bottle leaked in my purse during a work breakfast at J. Christopher’s (overrated), and the phone was saturated. Devastated, I hastily disassembled it and google’d how to best handle the situation. I submerged the phone in rice for two days, and voilà! It turned on and worked fine. But then the exact same thing happened last Friday while I enjoyed an innocent happy hour at Bluepoint with my parents. (I highly recommend the Friday happy hours at Bluepointe – they have a wide selection of liquor drinks and wines for $5 and then a substantial menu of small plates for $7 and under.) Needless to say, I wasn’t so lucky the second time, and I’ve been phoneless for six days. I barely know any of my friends anymore. I’ve resorted to landlines and smoke signals – it sucks.
  2. A yacht like the one my nearest and dearest, Amy, cruised the Adriatic in. 

Rachel: Pam! Oh God okay, just imagine this, “The Pam.”

Mr. Bowmont: I don’t think she’d like that.

Rachel: Okay, uh-uh imagine this, “The Mr. Bowmont.”

Mr. Bowmont: I don’t think so dear.

Rachel: Okay look, let me paint you a little picture. All right, you are settin’ sail up the Hudson! You’ve got the wind in your h – aaaarms…

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O is for OH WOW

Posted by AllieB on October 1, 2010

It’s been a busy week, and I haven’t brought much to the table in terms of internet interaction. I miss emailing and Facebook. Surprisingly, I did not miss gchat. Maybe I’m over gchat? Probably not. Anyway – I haven’t really been following the news, and the stories I have caught wind of I feel are already exhausted in terms of discussion, etc.

However, this Duke “sex thesis” warrants mention. I find it ridiculous (a PowerPoint??) as well as deplorable. Per the Jezebel article (which I will not link to directly because the title is extremely inappropriate):

Upon graduating, the author decided to pass on the wisdom she had learned, in thesis format. The subject: “An education beyond the classroom: excelling in the realm of horizontal academics.”

Her poor parents. They were probably so proud that their daughter got into Duke (Puke), and then she goes and does this. What a treat! Imagine their Christmas card letter: “…and our slore of a daughter made a PowerPoint about her sex life that the entire world has been able to read. We feel really good about the $180,000 we spent on her tuition.”

I do think this regrettable situation can teach us all a lesson or two: 1. try to refrain from making detailed PowerPoints about your sexual relations, and 2. anything you write and then share via the web is free game – even if it’s just an email to three friends. FYI. Note to self. Words of wisdom.

**UPDATE: if you’re so inclined, this is a link to the clear non-blurry version – names, faces, etc…..wowza. Barstool Sports

Moving along – it is Friday, hoorah, and Friday is a great day for video montages. This is incredible. Even if you haven’t seen every single episode of Friends five or more times like, say, me or Sister or Hilary or Pal or Kara or Leila, you can’t not enjoy Ross.

Ross: Oh, major shampoo explosion!

Rachel: Uh, look Ross, this really isn’t easy.

Ross: Oh, it’s all over everything. Why? Why me?

Rachel: Because you took three hundred bottles of shampoo?

Ross: Oh, not another one! Oh my G… And this is moisturizer. It’s even harder to clean! Why? Why do bad things happen to good people?

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