Baxter Bark Twice

Do as I say, never as I do

Posts Tagged ‘my peeps’

(Not So) Terrible Tuesday

Posted by AllieB on November 16, 2010

Meet & Greet: Optimistic Allie*. She’s usually around, and if she’s not she’ll be back soon. Case in point: it’s raining, it’s cold, and it’s Tuesday (newsflash: I don’t prefer Tuesdays)  yet here I am, warm and cozy in my office, day dreaming about things that I am looking forward to. I know – I amaze even myself. One thing that is helping, admittedly, is the imminent arrival of Papa John’s…

Annnyway, there’s lots coming up to look forward to – holiday parties, holiday food, holiday guests, holiday decor, holiday songs….! I share with you a few other things worthy of note that have bolstered my spirits. I’m telling you – there’s never not light at the end of the tunnel…even if that tunnel is Tuesday.

Numero Uno: Girl Talk! Friday, January 21, 2011 at The Tabernacle. GT was last in ATL back in Nov 2k08, we had a really awesome time, and that was on a Thursday – just think of the times we will have on a Friday…plus, the new album dropped yesterday, and it’s awesome – based on the snippets I’ve heard. I will download in full this egning.

Numero Dos: my family reunites for T-giving and Christmas…! It’s a triumphant return for Jordan, U of R’s reigning Homecoming Queen, and Charlotte, dominator of the Miami Half-IronMan Triathlon, and for Missy, Labrador puppy age 11 years (waaah!) going on 2.

Numero Tres: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part I, premiers this Friday, November 19. The previews look awesome, and despite the fact that the reviews are not, I can’t wait to see it.

Numero Cuatro: A Serve Reunion in NYC….? Stay tuned.

Numero Cinco:  Supper Club, pay day, A & K’s Holiday Hoop-la…

(I’d like to mention that, since I started writing this, the sun has come out. This could be a coincidence, but I’m guessing not.)

Bonus Numero Seis: Tripod puppies unite!! Filmed at Casa di Dabs – LL – Leila, this is really freaking adorable…your heart might burst.

*in light of my rather aggressive tirade on Jessica Simpson yesterday, I thought I’d better take it down a notch. I’d say this is a significant, not to mention admirable, attitude adjustment…but sometimes it’s nice to also to think about things you’re looking forward to – kinda like the whole thing about listing things you’re thankful for…ok, this is pretty redundant. Whatevs.

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Things I love: awkward & Sundays (but not awkward Sundays)

Posted by AllieB on November 8, 2010

There are few things I love more than a solid story of awkwardness. Fortunately, I surround myself with people who outdo themselves on a regular basis in this arena, so I am constantly entertained.

Take this classic story from Pal, for instance, one of my Favorite Friends, lover of ‘za, and resident of NYC (cut and pasted from her email):

Even though the escalator from the sub up to the street was broken today, and I have a phobia of walking up or down an escalator that is at a stand-still. It really is a problem for me, I can’t gauge the height of the stairs or something and I end up awkly walking up them like a dog with socks on. (Hilarious, only 16 seconds, do not need sound.)

I cannot tell you how happy it made me to picture her high-stepping her way up the stairs.

Another thing that makes me really happy is Sit-Around Sundays. Casa di Kayruh-Pants-YKenna is a great place for this activity, just as long as we avoid the DVR and stick strictly to OnDemand…their preferred television programs are abominable (like the snowman). A key component of these Sundays is the food – ie, the varietal of Pan-American cuisine we choose to eat. Last night we ordered delivery from Golden Buddha, and it was gooooood.

This is what $104 of Chinese food looks like.

The holiday season is upon us…! We watched Love Actually, which I will surely reference at least 15 more times before Christmas for it is my favorite film. We also watched The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, something I was heretofore totally against doing because I wanted to wait until the glossy US version featuring a very appealing Daniel Craig comes out in December 2k11, and it was awesome. Lisbeth Salander is a badass. Such a fun weekend: successful work partay, Chili Chomp & Stomp (or “Cabbagefest” according to JTomm), my lace-up Uggs…I don’t feel even a tinge of maniacal Monday’s.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, HILARY & NORAH!!! (a day late, sorry – I don’t blog on Sundays)

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Thankful (perhaps also thirsty?) Thursday

Posted by AllieB on November 4, 2010

It occurred to me this morning, as I huffed and puffed my way into the QuikTrip on nothing but mere fumes, that I have much to be thankful for. Not only did I not run out of gas en route, but there was a pump sitting wide open just as I pulled in. Anyone who’s been to the QT on Sidney Marcus knows that, no matter what time of day, that place is a total cluster. In addition, while the weather is totally fug, we can all console ourselves with the fact that today is Thursday, thus tomorrow is Friday….things are lookin’ up!

Today, I am especially thankful for the following things:

  1. My mom and dad and two sisters and Missy – The Baxter Fam
  2. Hand-me-downs from friends (Sister, you’re going to be very jealous when you see what I’ve done with the articles you bequeathed me…)
  3. The Today Show
  4. Fried goods from The Ivy
  5. Red wine
  6. Leila’s living room and DVR
  7. Wa-Wa, Sadie, Scout, Belle, Bodhi, Rambo, Mac, Tucker, Bear, Moose, Boone, Libby, Jackson…and any other pup I happen to have occasion to interact with
  8. Ramen
  9. Screw-top wine (esp the one I mentioned here)
  10. Cee-Lo’s F*ck You – also, the exciting information that Gwyneth Paltrow is going to be performing the radio version, Forget You, on Glee…it could be awesome, or it could be astronomically awkward
  11. Fellini’s
  12. Fellini’s Italian Dressing
  13. That I only have one shin splint when I could just as easily have two
  14. The Serve
  15. Ben & Jerry’s Choc Chip Cookie Dough – pedestrian, I know, but amazing in its simplicity
  16. Little Bangkok
  17. Creating collages on Picasa
  18. Bill Go Big Time
  19. David Beckham
  20. Devil Wears Prada – Comcast must think I’m a total doofus, I rent it at least 3x/month…newsflash: buy the DVD
  21. Friends the TV show
  22. That even though Sex and the City 2 very nearly killed me, there are still six fabulous seasons for me to watch over and over again
  23. Self-checkout at Publix and WF
  24. Backroads
  25. My wonderful friends whom I love a lot and bring me great happiness, each and every day..

Seriously – I recommend taking a second and making your own list of things you are thankful for. It doesn’t have to be cheesy (cheese! I forgot I am thankful for cheese), but it can offer a refreshing perspective that we can all benefit from…bottom line – we’ve all got it pretty good, and there are a lot of people who don’t.

Ok, I am stepping down from my high horse. Baxter, out.

Scout Pendergrast Duffey, age: PUPPY!!! I am very thankful for puppies

#26. I am VERY THANKFUL for this new go-to dance move (credit: Sister Pantalones). I can’t stop watching, you don’t even need sound. Holy wow.

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stride, stride, stride…EXECUTE

Posted by AllieB on October 27, 2010

This commercial cracks me up. Sidebar: I’m thisclose to caving and springing for DVR – I’m sick of missing my programs. I can only talk on the phone during commercials; I have to time my workouts and showers precisely, as well as any food preparation…plus, Leila Ann talks a LOT and even when we watch episodes 2-3 times, I still miss at least half of what went on – I must have access to these things in the comfort of my own home. I’m pretty sure I can justify the $15/month…yup, I’m calling Comcast right now.

Anyway, I love the expression on this little guy’s face – it’s no eTrade, but it’s still pretty good. You don’t need sound, but it will  certainly enhance your experience as it is a Janis Joplin classic…

Happy Hump Day!

Wednesdays, after Fridays, Thursdays, Saturdays, and the occasional Sunday, are my favorite day of the week. Not only is there excellent television (Modern Family has effectively stymied any kind of sophomore slump), but people start to emerge from their cave dwelling and are willing – eager? – to participate in organized activities, such as….SUPPER CLUB! I’m so proud of us for finally setting dates and sticking to them. I have no idea what is on the menu, but I’m very much looking forward to it. Me, I will be bringing Two Buck Chuck as Wells Fargo has totally screwed me over in this stupid transition from Wachovia (sorry, K – I’m not happy), and I am horribly poor until they get their act together.

Mitchell: She wants us to buy Lily a Blackberry.
Cam: She doesn’t have the dexterity for that! What’s happening!?

My horoscope has just informed me that today is a ME day and, because I have been working very hard all week, I deserve a reward this evening. Who am I to dispute this wisdom. I really do love Wednesdays.

Oh, Hilary. You are soooo hilarious. Ha. Ha. I much prefer Pal’s handiwork to your own.

oh look - it's Baxter and I'm barking twice

Note: I don’t actually have that many chins.

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Agree to Disagree: Top 20 Restaurants in ATL

Posted by AllieB on October 26, 2010

I know I write a good bit about food around Atlanta, but if there’s anyone who knows the eateries around this place – it’s Kennedy. She sent me an email yesterday complete with this list and her highly relevant and accurate commentary, and I knew it must be shared. We see eye to eye on just about everything (per usual), and we’re both concerned with the caliber of the journalism behind the composition of this list. Thank you, K, for imparting your invaluable wisdom.

The 20 restaurants in ATL, according to…

  1. Leon’s Full Service – This I can get on board with. Represents a lot of what makes Atlanta great, outside dining, fun drinks, southern but creative food etc.
  2. Ru San’s (UMMM – WTF? HAS THIS WRITER EVEN BEEN TO ATLANTA IN THE PAST DECADE OR DID THEY COPY OVER A LIST FROM THE 90s??) I shudder at the thought. This list has lost all credibility. (Allie Says: this is really very questionable. I’m with K’s all-caps horror.)
  3. Livingston Restaurant + Bar
  4. Rhodes Bakery – Given that this is Southern Living’s list, I suppose that this can slide; I feel as if they make good cakes and pies which I picture on the cover of a Southern Living.
  5. LottaFrutta – never heard of it and don’t even want to google it – shocking, I know.  At the rate this list is going, I will add to my list of places NOT to go. (Allie Says: my thoughts exactly.)
  6. Rosebud – again – where is Holeman and Finch?!
  7. Café Intermezzo – Just no. The last meal I had here was around 1 am and I still thought it was bad; this is saying something (Allie Says: indeed, this is saying something.)
  8. Flip Burger Boutique – the only thing that I can think of here is that Southern Living is based in B’ham and there’s a Flip in B’ham so maybe they think by adding it to the list it somehow makes B’ham cooler? I see through this little plot…
  9. Fox Bros Bar-B-Q
  10. Taqueria Del Sol – overrated and sort of lame. The end. I’m tempted to stop reading…(Allie Says: I like this place a lot. Should it be #10? No…but still in Top 20, IMO.)
  11. King of Pops – does this count as a restaurant? I think it’s like a cardboard stand or something?
  12. Highland Bakery
  13. The Atlanta Cupcake Factory – I suppose this is the obligatory shout out to the cupcake craze – again not sure it really fits as a “best restaurant”
  14. Antico Pizza Napoletana – Someone can’t count or rank or something because OBVIOUSLY this should be in the top 5. (Allie Says: and possibly numero uno.)
  15. Paolo’s Gelato
  16. Aria – so 2001.
  17. Souper Jenny – I love SJ so this would probably find its way to my top 20 and again goes with could be on the cover of Southern Living theme; I picture bowls of soup surrounded by cornucopias. (Allie Says: I agree, it definitely should be in Top 20. Also, I had a grilled cheese there back in August that ranks in my top 5 sandwich experiences of all time…so…just sayin‘.)
  18. Sotto Sotto – this one can stay appropriately at 18.
  19. Sweet Auburn Bread Company – again the cover theme. I had to google this one – apparently Bill Clinton went there? Sticking with the 90s theme…
  20. SweetWater Brewing Company – I was unaware they served food?

Well, there you have it. I’m with K – wtf is this list?! It makes no sense. I’m not sure the person who wrote this has been to Atlanta, like, ever – even if they spent just 20 minutes browsing YELP they would know how erroneous 3/4 of this selection is. Ru Sans?! They may as well have put Papa John’s and Applebee’s on this thing. Someone needs to write the Editor.

Also, I usually take the time to hyperlink the restaurants, but this list seemed unworthy of such an arduous task. Sorry I’m not sorry.


Sister: it feels like hot breath outside.

Ross: It tastes like feet!

Joey: I like it.

Ross: Are you kidding?

Joey: What’s not to like? Custard? Good. Jam? Good. Meat? Gooooood.

-The One Where Ross Got High

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