Baxter Bark Twice

Do as I say, never as I do

Posts Tagged ‘I think I’ll pass’

Know Your Audience

Posted by AllieB on October 19, 2010

Starbucks is testing the new “Starbucks Bar” at their flagship store in Seattle. My first reaction was, “Great! Another place that serves wine.” However, upon further examination, I’m thinking: no. They’ve delved into coffee-flavored liquers, available at your local grocer/bottle shop, and their breakfast sandwiches are actually really awesome, but to serve beer and wine at their actual coffee shops just seems wrong to me.

I learned on the Today show this morning that Starbucks does 70% of their business  before 2pm. That’s FINE – you’re a COFFEE shop. I think to add alcohol in the mix will just confuse people. IMO, if Starbucks insists upon pedaling booze, they need to do so in a totally different capacity – perhaps even under a pseudonym – at a location entirely separate from the coffee shops.

When the always-hilarious Al Roker joked, “Sure, I’ll take a Zinfandel Frappucino!” I knew that I would never be able to get behind this idea.

thanks, but no thanks

Posted in Food & Drink, Imparting Wisdom | Tagged: , , | 1 Comment »

This is not okay.

Posted by AllieB on October 5, 2010

Heidi Montag is the most accurate personification of everything that is wrong with Hollywood ever, in all the history of everything that has ever been wrong with Hollywood.

Bal Harbour Plastic Surgery Associates has come up with the really neat idea where you, too, can “Heidi Yourself” by uploading a picture and then playing with one of the TEN surgery options that Heidi underwent in a single day. Kewl.

The site is somewhat rudimentary, and you don’t really have all that much control over specific facial features…which is why, perhaps, I wound up looking like this when I tried to Heidi myself.

Thanks, but no thanks. Now, if Boobs Legsly‘s doctor put up a page like this…we’re talking a totally different ballgame.

Try at your own risk: And thank you to the STAR magazine in my doctor’s office for enlightening me to this social and medical atrocity.

Posted in Celebs, Really? | Tagged: , | 3 Comments »