Starbucks is testing the new “Starbucks Bar” at their flagship store in Seattle. My first reaction was, “Great! Another place that serves wine.” However, upon further examination, I’m thinking: no. They’ve delved into coffee-flavored liquers, available at your local grocer/bottle shop, and their breakfast sandwiches are actually really awesome, but to serve beer and wine at their actual coffee shops just seems wrong to me.
I learned on the Today show this morning that Starbucks does 70% of their business  before 2pm. That’s FINE – you’re a COFFEE shop. I think to add alcohol in the mix will just confuse people. IMO, if Starbucks insists upon pedaling booze, they need to do so in a totally different capacity – perhaps even under a pseudonym – at a location entirely separate from the coffee shops.
When the always-hilarious Al Roker joked, “Sure, I’ll take a Zinfandel Frappucino!” I knew that I would never be able to get behind this idea.