Baxter Bark Twice

Do as I say, never as I do

Stress SOS

Posted by AllieB on September 28, 2010

I just sent a casual email to a friend mentioning what I’d had to snack on since around two this afternoon, and now I feel like a total heifer.

The list includes:

A bag of these peanuts:

Two Coke Zeros.

A half-glass of Cabernet (NOT normal behavior – we were tasting wine for our upcoming work event – Lacy can attest)

Thee Lindor truffles:

And – last but not least – a breakfast sandwich (bacon, gouda, and fritatta on an artisan roll – delish) from Starbucks.

It’s a bit excessive. I’m incredibly stressed out with various things, mostly work, and I’ve turned to food. I’ve asked other people what they do when they get stressed, and I’ve yet to achieve enlightenment. One person suggested taking a walk around the block, but I don’t really want to do that. Someone else suggested putting a lock on the refrigerator – not only did I find that somewhat offensive, but it also wouldn’t necessarily stop me as there are many other avenues thru which I can procure my snacks.

I mean, I’m obviously going to go for a run after work, which will help – according to science, exercise helps – but I’m talking more along the lines of stress relievers in medias work day. Suggestions welcome.

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Breath of fresh air

Posted by AllieB on September 27, 2010

Those who don’t live in ATL wrongly assume that we go from disgusting, humid, suffocating summers straight into bleak, snowless winters, and, while, yes, those are accurate descriptions for those two seasons, the spring and the fall in Atlanta actually happen to be quite glorious.

Finally, after what was definitely the longest, stickiest, most oppressively hot summer that I can remember, fall has arrived…!

courtesy of via Henrietta Edge

Fall Favorites:

  • football (of the Falcon variety)
  • pretty leaves
  • outdoor AWD’s (a perennial favorite, it seems)
  • outdoor yogs (minus the allergies)
  • breaking out non-black items in my wardrobe, as fear of sweating thru clothing has decreased significantly

Seriously, thank you for sharing this, Sister. Monday Mania – you are dismissed.

I really phoned this one in.

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Totes Randar

Posted by AllieB on September 23, 2010

  1. Sister, hanging out
  2. Hilary, being weird and hanging upside down
  3. Pal, hesistant to come play with Sister and Hilary
  4. Allie, laying in wait to divebomb Sister

Aside from the fact that Sister is clearly responsible for the commentary on the weird and kind of creepy photo (I might divebomb, but I do not lurk – that thing is lurking), it’s a fairly accurate summation of our friendships. The image below is equally on-point.

angel kisses

Also, I know I put up a lot of YouTubes, but I can assure you that any video clip I share really  is worth watching. Unless I’m doing it to fill space, in which case I will say so. This is worth watching because it is awkward and so wrong yet simultaneously hilarious and a little fascinating. Dooooo it.

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Meet & Greet: Wine

Posted by AllieB on September 22, 2010

I like wine. I don’t know anything about it, and when I find something I like it’s because it tastes good, not because the tannins aren’t too acidic, or something – I don’t even know what that means.

What occasion doesn’t warrant a sip or two of vino? Truly, I can think of none. Season premiere of Glee? Obvi. It’s Sunday? Don’t mind if I do! Of course, everything in moderation…..and that’s all I’ll say about that.

Anyway, at my age with my income and lifestyle, it is important to be thrifty and practical when it comes to the purchase and consumption of wine. I’ve done the legwork around town (within, say, a mile radius of Buckhead), and these are my go-to’s, based first on price and taste, then on label aesthetics – there is nothing cultured about my approach to wine drinking.

My favorite reds:

  • La Vieille Ferme: this double bottle of red with the charming label was first recommended to me by a manager at Pearson’s for “drinkability” or something like that. Whatever, it’s a tasty double bottle with a screw top. Allie likes! I’m even a fan on Facebook. $11.99 at Tower; $16.99 at Whole Foods.
  • Gascón Malbec: I love, love, love this wine. John at Tower says it his favorite malbec under $20, which says a lot, IMO. John is incredibly wise. $8.99 at Tower.
  • Mark West: I honestly feel kind of pedestrian even listing this, but I couldn’t leave out my buddy Mark – we’ve been thru a lot together…$9.99 at Tower. $12.99 at Whole Foods.
  • La Granga Tempranillo: It’s a screw top from Trader Joe’s with a charming label and a decent taste. Done and done. $4.99.

even the age verification on the website is charming...

My favorite whites (warning – I don’t branch out much with white grape varietals):

  • NO Sauvignon Blanc: definitely my go-to white. It’s reasonable, v tasty, and a screw top..! $8.99 at Tower.
  • Opala Vinho Verde: I love vinho verde in it’s lightness and very, very slight tinge of carbonation. The alcohol content is also about two percent less than your average  bottle of white, which isn’t necessarily a bad thing…and how pretty is the label! $7.99 at Whole Foods.

I'm a sucker for pretty labels

These six wines are literally the last six bottles I have purchased (toss in a few Two Buck Chucks here and there), and I stand by my selections. Sorry I’m not sorry I don’t venture above $13. I have no idea what foods would go well with what wines, but I can say with utmost certainty that the Tempranillo goes great with Wednesdays.

Posted in Food & Drink, Imparting Wisdom | Tagged: , | 4 Comments »

The Allie Awards

Posted by AllieB on September 21, 2010

I was reading archived articles in the Atlanta Business Chronicle online recently, and I stumbled upon a brief write-up about an event that took place in April: The Allie Awards. My interest was immediately piqued – I was already thrilled to see my name on an award that warranted mention in the ABC, but then it got even better: the award was for Best Buffet.

The Allie Awards honor the best catering companies in Atlanta, as well as other aspects of event planning – venue, tents, etc. What a perfect match for me, AllieB, line-leader at the buffet and lover of all things wrapped in bacon.

I wonder if they are looking for a spokesperson? A face of The Allies, if you will…I would be happy to attend various events in the name of research.

Or perhaps I’ll just come up with my own, more relevant categories and have The AllieB Awards. Let’s see…

  • Best Hot Sandwich: Publix’s Philly Cheesesteak
  • Best Quesadilla: Paul’s on the Patio (you’d be surprised)
  • Best Stuffed Pasta (on a budget): Trader Joe’s Portobello Mushroom Ravioli
  • Best Stuffed Pasta (not so much on a budget): Sotto Sotto’s Ravioli Nudi
  • Best Nachos: Tavern 99

clearly I am qualified to designate awards pertaining to food

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