Baxter Bark Twice

Do as I say, never as I do

Bookshelf Porn

Posted by AllieB on November 1, 2010

I’ve discussed my love for reading and rooms dedicated solely to books. One day I hope to have a personal library of my very own – I think I’d want one of those ladders to cruise around on. I am reminded of my Disney Character alter ego, Belle of Beauty and the Beast – we share a fondness for reading, re-reading, and book ladders…as well as a warm and loving, nonjudgmental heart, of course.

Anyway, this photo blog, Bookshelf Porn, collects images of rooms of books – stores, personal libraries, random bookshelves, and it’s awesome. I guess I should also mention that is stricly G-rated; other apt monikers could be Bookshelf Paradise, Bookshelf Haven, Bookshelf Orgy…just kidding. It’s self-described as being:

“Porn for book lovers. A photoblog collection of all the best bookshelf photos for people who *heart* bookshelves.”

Karl Lagerfield’s is the only celebrity one I’ve stumbled upon yet – it’s…thorough.

I prefer Diane von Furstenberg’s home library, which I share again below. It just emanates serenity. Having a room like this to come home to on a Manic Monday would effectively cancel out any and all mania – before long I might even come to refer to it as Mellow Monday…??

I took the one on left w my cell piece; on right from September 2005 Town & Country

Happy All Saints’ Day, and a very happy birthday to you, Penn Badgley.

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Nostalgia: MASH

Posted by AllieB on October 28, 2010

Mash: verb; what I do when I am around people of whom I am especially fond and wish to express my effusive feelings.

MASH: noun; predictor of life and the best game EVER – now available on the world wide web!

Here’s how it’s gonna go down: “Allie, you will attend UGA to become a novelist. You will live in Napa, in a shack. You will marry David Beckham in St. John.  Your honeymoon will be in The Seychelles. You will have 1 kid and a 1 puppy. You will drive a black E Class convertible.”

I’d happily live in a dumpster with David Beckham.

I have my older sister, Charlotte K. Baxter –  lover of pink and non-winner of Homecoming Queen, to thank for this exciting interactivity.

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Posted by AllieB on October 28, 2010

I really don’t mind going places by myself – sometimes I actually prefer it – and usually I am quite adept at getting myself to the correct location at the designated time. Last night…not so much.

My plan was to attend this Young Professionals Mixer from 630 – 730 then head over to Supper Club. I arrived at Sweetwater at 6:35, and when I didn’t recognize any cars I didn’t think anything of it. Upon entering the venue, however, I began to notice that things seem to be amiss: noted lack of any political signage, and a highly atypical crowd (so heady) compared to the usual types that show up at anything “Young” and “Professional” – put it this way, there was absolutely no reason for me to think that I was at the right place. Nevertheless, I forged ahead and paid for a glass, ordered a Sch’wheat beer (which I’ve been meaning to try – very good, very unfortunate name), and posted up at the bar.

It was whilst BBM’ing with Harriette Lynn, who assured me they were nearby, then almost there, then officially there, that I realized my egregious error: wrong place. This was confirmed when I asked an employee where the Young Professionals Mixer was, and she looked at me like I had three heads.

Turns out I was enjoying a nice little Tasting Room event – me and 150 other people I’ve never seen before in my life. BTdubbs, this Limited Edition Dank Tank varietal is pretty good.

Wrong place, right time? Fail. Anyway, I left and drove alllll the way over to 5 Seasons Brewery on the Westside – which was actually much more convenient to Supper Club in Collier Hills – and enjoyed the company of good friends and lots of laughter directed towards moi (and a little directed towards Julia). “Sweetwater” and “5 Seasons” aren’t all that similar, not even a little bit.

I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again – it always makes me think of you, Hilary…

“Turns out not where, but who you’re with that really matters…”

and the Dunce Hat goes to....meeeee!

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Things I always have on my person that other people constantly borrow

Posted by AllieB on October 27, 2010

First and foremost: if you use Vaseline, you need to go purchase this updated pop-top cannister right now – I got mine at Target in the travel-sized toiletries aisle.

These next two items are for your peepers. Together, they can eliminate any signs of tears, over consumption of booze, allergies, etc., and I’m not exaggerating even a little bit.

I should note that the Rohto eye drops could be too potent for those who wear contacts  –  basically, they’re like a menthol cough drop for your eyeball. They leave your eyes with this fresh brightness Visine doesn’t even come close to. That eye roller thing by Garnier just feels really, really good…if you’re using them as a duo, do the roller first.

I should also note that I learned about the Rohto drops from an InStyle article from a few years ago where make-up artists to the stars were asked to share their “secret weapon product.” Lindsay Lohan’s make-up artist replied, “Rohto eye drops. They can make any party girl look like she’s slept for 8 hours.” Sold.

OMG! Maybe Rohto is looking for a spokesperson…and with LiLo stuck in court mandated rehab, I am clearly the obvious choice! Fo reezi – my level of kiddingness is neg.

Lastly, this gum is very tasty – I actually now chew it exclusively and buy it in bulk from Amazon because Publix is the only place that sells it: Trident Cool Colada. I don’t like colada-anything, yet this gum is the perfect mix of fruitiness and minty freshness. Buy a pack today!

JILL: Would you like some gum?

CHANDLER: Um, is it sugarless?

JILL: Sorry, it’s not.

CHANDLER: Oh, then no thanks. What the hell was that? Mental note: If Jill Goodacre offers you gum, you take it. If she offers you mangled animal carcass, you take it.

CHANDLER: You know, on second thought, gum would be perfection.

-The One With the Blackout

Posted in Arbitrary, Imparting Wisdom | Tagged: , , | 1 Comment »

stride, stride, stride…EXECUTE

Posted by AllieB on October 27, 2010

This commercial cracks me up. Sidebar: I’m thisclose to caving and springing for DVR – I’m sick of missing my programs. I can only talk on the phone during commercials; I have to time my workouts and showers precisely, as well as any food preparation…plus, Leila Ann talks a LOT and even when we watch episodes 2-3 times, I still miss at least half of what went on – I must have access to these things in the comfort of my own home. I’m pretty sure I can justify the $15/month…yup, I’m calling Comcast right now.

Anyway, I love the expression on this little guy’s face – it’s no eTrade, but it’s still pretty good. You don’t need sound, but it will  certainly enhance your experience as it is a Janis Joplin classic…

Happy Hump Day!

Wednesdays, after Fridays, Thursdays, Saturdays, and the occasional Sunday, are my favorite day of the week. Not only is there excellent television (Modern Family has effectively stymied any kind of sophomore slump), but people start to emerge from their cave dwelling and are willing – eager? – to participate in organized activities, such as….SUPPER CLUB! I’m so proud of us for finally setting dates and sticking to them. I have no idea what is on the menu, but I’m very much looking forward to it. Me, I will be bringing Two Buck Chuck as Wells Fargo has totally screwed me over in this stupid transition from Wachovia (sorry, K – I’m not happy), and I am horribly poor until they get their act together.

Mitchell: She wants us to buy Lily a Blackberry.
Cam: She doesn’t have the dexterity for that! What’s happening!?

My horoscope has just informed me that today is a ME day and, because I have been working very hard all week, I deserve a reward this evening. Who am I to dispute this wisdom. I really do love Wednesdays.

Oh, Hilary. You are soooo hilarious. Ha. Ha. I much prefer Pal’s handiwork to your own.

oh look - it's Baxter and I'm barking twice

Note: I don’t actually have that many chins.

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